The statistics on prices of dwellings in housing companies were reviewed as concerns prices of old dwellings in housing companies

Date of change:

The method, weight structure, classifications and base year used in calculating the price indices of old dwellings in housing companies have been reviewed. The base year of the reviewed index is 2020=100, and retrospective quarterly and annual series starting from 2015 according to the reviewed method have also been calculated from the prices of old dwellings (index 2015=100). The index quality standardisation method was updated by adding the ownership form of the plot (whether the dwelling is located on own or rented plot) and the distance from the nearest urban centre as standardised factors. The index formula was changed to the Törnqvist index similarly as in the price index of new dwellings in housing companies.

In connection with the review, the calculation of prices per square metre was also changed so that prices per square metre are in the calculation method consistent with the prices per square metre for one-dwelling houses and new dwellings in housing companies. Prices per square metre according to the ownership form of the plot are published as new data.

Because of methodological and classification changes, the index series and prices per square metre are not comparable with previously published index series.

New categories in the regional classification are the six largest towns and the whole country exclusive of the six largest towns.

More information about the methodological changes is given in the documentation.