The concepts described on these pages are words and expressions used in statistics with a specific, limited meaning. In everyday speech the word may have a different meaning. In connection with each definition you can find information about which sets of statistics use the concept.

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Central government guarantees

Central government guarantee data include such guarantees for which the state is liable.
Guarantees are arrangements whereby the guarantor undertakes to a lender that if a borrower defaults, the guarantor will make good the loss the lender would otherwise suffer. A fee is often collected for providing a guarantee.

Guarantees can also be provided for financial assets held by some unit. In this case, the commitment relates to cover losses related to a decrease in the value of assets or shortfalls in the recovery of the asset in full and in such cases there are various ways of activating the guarantor's obligations.

Central government guarantees also include guarantees administered by non-government units on behalf of general government or as part of the policy objectives of general government. An example of this is the export credit guarantees

Statistics using the definition

Validity of the definition

  • Valid

Guarantees granted by state institutions and Finnvera. Guarantees granted by Finnvera on its own risk do not constitute state guarantees. The State guarantees e.g. student loans and housing loans.

Validity of the definition

  • 1 January 1900 - 31 December 1999

Source organisation

  • Tilastokeskus

Source organisation

  • Tilastokeskus
